PT Duta Visual Nusantara Tivi Tujuh (TRANS7)

Deskripsi Perusahaan
TRANS7 yang semula bernama TV7 dimulai pada tanggal 22 Maret 2000 yang diumumkan dalam Tambahan Berita Negara Nomor 8687 Tahun 2001 tanggal 28 Desember 2001 sebagai PT Duta Visual Nusantara Tivi Tujuh. Pada tanggal 4 Agustus 2006 Kelompok Kompas Gramedia membangun hubungan kerjasama strategis dengan CT Corp dan sejak itu TV7 berubah menjadi TRANS7.
Kabar baik bagi pelamar yang tertarik untuk bekerja di PT Duta Visual Nusantara Tivi Tujuh (TRANS7) . Saat ini sedang membuka lowongan kerja terbaru dalam rangka mencari calon pegawai/karyawan yang siap untuk bergabung dan bekerja. Informasi lebih lanjut simak keterangan dibawah ini:
Lowongan Kerja PT Duta Visual Nusantara Tivi Tujuh (TRANS7)
Lokasi; Jakarta, Tipe Pekerjaan; Full Time, Pendidikan; D3,S1, Pengalaman Kerja; 0-2 Tahun, Jumlah Formasi; 10
1. Content Creator
Requirements :
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree from any major, preferably from Broadcast or Communication.
- Able to bring creative ideas to live on screen.
- Excellent written & verbal communication skills.
- Must be a self-starter that enjoys working collaboratively.
- Able to work to tight deadlines.
2. Public Relations
Requirements :
- Diploma or Bachelor degree from any major preferably from Communication.
- Assertive & Energic.
- Social media enthusiast.
- Having good networking skill.
- Having ability to work in fast paced environment.
- Having good interpersonal and communication skills.
3. Account Executive
Requirements :
- Bachelor Degree from any major, preferably from Marketing and Business.
- Having good ability in presentation and negotiation skill.
- Having good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Having ability to work in fast-paced environment, assertive, and energetic.
4. Program Budget
Requirements :
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree from Any Major, Preferably from Accounting or Management.
- Have a good knowledge in the basics of budgeting and financial reporting.
- Assertive, energetic, and having ability to work in fast-paced environment.
- Having good interpersonal skill.
5. Social Media
Requirements :
- Bachelor Degree from any major, preferably from Communication.
- Hands-on experience with Social Media campaign.
- Interest in social media activity.
- Energetic & eager to tackle new ideas.
- Having good interpersonal and Communication Skills.
6. Content Development & Creative
Requirements :
- Bachelor Degree from any major, preferably from Communication or Broadcast.
- Strong analytical thinking and passion in research.
- Interested in interpreting data and observing TV programs.
- Having good interpersonal and Communication Skill.
7. Training
Requirements :
- Bachelor degree from any major.
- Having passion for people development.
- Have an experience min. 2 years in training and development is an advantage.
- Assertive, energetic, having ability to work in fast-paced environment.
- Having Good Interpersonal and Communication Skills.
8. Lightingman
Requirements :
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree from any major.
- Have a good knowledge of the electrical and lighting.
- Assertive, energetic, having ability to work in fast-paced environment.
- Having Good Interpersonal and Communication Skills.
9. IT
Requirements :
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree from Information Technology
- Have a good skill in IT programming, network, hardware, or front end
- Having ability to work in fast-paced environment
- Have an experience min. 1 year in the same field is an advantage
- Having good interpersonal and communication skills
10. Video Editor
Requirements :
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree from any major, preferably from Information Technology / Broadcasting.
- Have basic skill and knowledge of editing.
- Willing to work in shifts.
Berikut Tahapan Pendaftaran
kirim CV dan berkas lamaran terbaru Anda ke:
Should you think you have what we’re looking for, submit your updated resume as soon as possible to ours at: (Subject: Position_Name)
Pada setiap tahap seleksi berlaku sistem gugur. Hanya kandidat terbaik dan memenuhi persyaratan yang berhak mengikuti tahap seleksi berikutnya. Pelamar wajib mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan dalam proses seleksi.